Hi Graham
I don’t know how to say *THANK YOU* enough to you, your document is really impressive & objective, and It’s the best tool
I discovered to get into the world of digital piano.
Your article “7 Things You MUST Know Before You Buy A Digital Piano” was so
very useful for me to learn about the specs and classifications of digital
I am grateful to you for your valuable help.
Best regards,
Juan Carlos
Medellin, Colombia
Greetings Graham
I am delighted to tell you that your book has landed safely on my machine.
You may not recall but but we both tried to accomplish this, unsuccessfully, several weeks ago.
This simply proves yet again that, when you first don’t succeed, try, try and try again.
I am about to print the document. This will make it easier for me to study it’s contents, that I have heard so many good things about.
With kindest regards and much appreciation
Your book is exactly what I have been looking for in order to be an informed shopper for a digital piano!
The book is very good indeed.
This is very kind of you, thank you!
Hi Graham,
Many thanks for your ‘7 Things…’ PDF book (I’ve certainly learnt a lot of eye-opening things about digital pianos in the past week).
Dear Graham,
I am reading your book now. Really marvellous! Simple, concise, easy
reading. Just what I needed.
Thank you.
Kindest regards,
Patrick Blair
Graham… Thank you very much for the excellent advice given in your book. I bought a
Yamaha CPL330 from one of your recommended retailers. The task of assembling the
piano looked daunting at first but it turned out to be quite simple, good clear instructions
and everything fitted perfectly. A point you may not have mentioned in your book, but
then again I might have missed that item. The piano is fantastic exceeding all expectations,
like you I wonder why anyone would bother with an old fashioned upright in these digital
Thank you for very good information about digital pianos. I didn’t know so very much about this befor but now, when I have red your book, I have got so much more knowleage. This was just what I needed.
Hello Graham,
Thank you very much I have successfully received your book and on first
glance it looks extremely helpful.
Regards, Janet
Dear Graham
First of all, thanks a lot for the book you wrote and provide me (and
everyone ask for it) to guide no professional people on the piano
terminology world.
Really it helped me a lot to know and to understand the key words for
digital piano language and performances.
Dear Graham,
Thank you so much for your guide it is very impressive and covers all the
points that have been bothering me.
Dear Mr. Graham,
I tried to learn a little about digital piano’s before purchasing one for my little daughter.
your book is seem to be the perfect guide.
most thanks for a person like you who’s willing to share his knowledge freely.
ar Graham,
just a quick note to say thankyou for the very informative book you so generously gave to me, I will read it over and over to make sure it has sunk in and that my final choice of digital piano will be the best I can afford.
Wishing you health and happiness
Tony Walsh
Dear Graham
First of all I would like to thank you for putting together a very
comprehensive guide to buying a digital keyboard.
I have not seen such exhaustive, some might say exhausting, advice
anywhere on the net. Seriously though, you are to be commended for it. I have
not read every word but a few points seem relevant to me.
Firstly, many thanks for producing your book ‘Digital Piano Buyer’s
Guide’. I have found it to be so full of information and relevant
explanations. I now feel I know so much more with regard to digital
pianos, whereas I knew absolutely nothing just a week ago.
Hi Graham! I’d like to thank you for this book that I just downloaded from your website!
“7 Things You MUST Know Before You Buy A Digital Piano”
Fantastic! Thank you so much!
Hi Graham
Thank you for your useful booklet and concern that we are able to make an informed choice
in this one off purchase
Thanks for your email regarding any questions I may have about buying a
digital piano.
I was very happy with the information you provided to me and I have
decided on the digital piano I want to buy. My only problem is getting rid of the
old metal frame piano that I already have!
Many thanks for taking the trouble of doing the research involved it has
saved me no end of worry and hassle.
I would like to thank you sincerely for the book, it’s thoroughness and
clarity and wish you all the best,
Greetings from Slovenia,
Many thanks Graham
This will be of great interest and use in selecting a keyboard for my daughter.
Kind regards
I’ve just read your book on digital pianos, which was very enlightening indeed.
What a book and what a man – you are really cool for giving your readers so much useful info.
Mohamed, Tanzania
Hello from Spain, my name is Juan Carlos. I’ve been looking for a lot of
information in order to make a right decision in purchasing a digital piano,
even though the offer is so amazingly big that you can never be sure enough.
Anyway, thanks in advance for the wise advices from your free book, i learnt
many things that otherwise I wouldn’t have imagined.
Juan Carlos, Spain
Dear Mr Howard. A little word of gratitude from Québec (Canada) for your generosity in making available your very detailed and helpful guide. So much work and patience into writing such document ! Merci encore !
Pierre Montréal
Thanks a lot for your amazing E-book, “7 thinngs you must know before you buy a digital piano”, it been very useful and thought me a lot.
Good day Graham
I must say that it has been the best “service” I have ever experienced, and I can see that you are passionate about what you do. Thank you.
Elmar, South Africa
Thank you for that
Thanks good job
I’m thinking about a digital piano for the kids and i have no idea where to start. Any help appreciated.
I had piano lessons as a 10 year old,I then turned to football so gave the lessons up.
I am now in my late 80 s and using a 61 key keyboard to learn again.
I am not quite happy with the piano sound on the keyboard, so I am looking to buy a digital piano around the 4 to 500 mark, it looks like your advice is for me.
thank you, Harry.
Hi Harry
Did you get a reply reply from us?
Graham Howard
UK Pianos