Dear Graham
I find your site absolutely wonderful. It is full of info about various electrical/electronic pianos all classified under different price headings, practically comparing like with like, and details of each one in great detail. I was very happy to have found your website for reference. May be one day when I am more proficient with may keyboard, I shall graduate to a full size 8 octave piano, hopefully with all or some of the functions of the keyboard.
Thanks, George Leong
Piano information and advice on UK Piano helped me better understand basics of digital pianos, their differences, mechanics of the keyboards. And thanks for the buying tips.
Very pleased with the total service, from reviews to delivery, from UK pianos.
David Higton
I found the Howard score on choosing a digital keyboard piano very helpful indeed. Thanks to the way he has set out the different models available, I got the keyboard that suited my playing and budget the best.
“It is very rare to see somebody who has inside information…”
knowledge and knows pianos really well to share this information with public. If I would like to buy piano in Uk this place will be my first choice. I bought my new digital stage piano somewhere else, because I had extremely good price (still well over £1000) and I understand electronics. Information which I was given from ukpianos was vital for my decision and it fully correlate and extend information which I collected over last 25 years (my first electronic keyboard was Roland alpha juno1)
It is possible that you could buy your instrument cheaper somewhere else – especially if you are lucky and know a lot about instrument which you are buying (it means a lot about design, build quality, reliability and life expectancy of used mechanical and electronic components). If you are not strong in this and if you do not have time to do your own research, you will not make mistake if you let ukpianos to advice you. They know what they are talking about.
Daniel Vanko
I have to say your guide on how to buy a piano is excellent and your web site is very helpful. And to receive a personal reply that quickly is certainly unusual nowadays.
All best!
We bought our daughter a piano from UK Pianos just before Christmas. The service from UK Piano’s was fantastic, from choosing the right piano right through to delivery.
John Gould
“Comprehensive Advice”
UKPianos has an extensive list of ratings and recommendations. After reading reviews and responses, I finally decided on a digital piano and am currently very satisfied by it. I would recommend Graham’s honest advice on piano selection to anyone interested in purchasing a DP.
Gary Yeo
Dear Graham
Thank you for your terrific publication on the seven things to know before buying a digital piano. Having just started
out on my search, it was so helpful to have a guide to the jargon and the things to consider.
Dear Mr. Graham Howard,
Thank you very much for the list. It was an incredibly useful tool in deciding which piano I should buy. It was very well structured and easily understandable. That in its self was an influencing factor. Seeing how you added price comparison onto the list just made it that much better. All in all I was very impressed with everything. Thank you.
Sincerely, Joe
The book has clarified to me some technical aspects of the digital pianos that I had not yet fully clear.
I found it useful on that, indeed.
Thank you for very much for it.
Best regards
I plan to buy from you as I really appreciate your free guide, unbiased advice and I am confident if I had any problems post sale you would deal with them.
When we decided to invest in a digital piano for our granddaughter, we were fortunate indeed to find Graham Howard’s UK Pianos site on the internet. Especially helpful is the information entitled 6 Simple Tests You Can Do In A Piano Store Before Making Your Decision. DON’T BUY If The Piano Doesn’t Pass All 6! We put various pianos to the test during our search, and in the end felt confident that we had made the very best choice. We really appreciated having some informed direction and solid criteria as we narrowed down our options.
Geri Porath
Credit to you for maintaining such a detailed and informative site- I’ve been very impressed with the depth of info.
With kindest regards
Thanks for educating me to avoid costly mistakes and give my daughter the best opportunity to learn to play. I feel armed now with knowledge of what to look for when purchasing. I am not musical and don’t play the piano so when looking for a Digital piano for my daughter who is just starting out on her musical journey I was lost, confused and scared of making a costly mistake. So happy that I can get the right one for her. I wish you had a shop in Australia, particularly Perth WA
Cheers Liz
Hi Graham,
Thanks for your book. Anyone who has put the amount of effort that you have into creating such a resource so as people like me do not make expensive mistakes definitely has my following.
Elizabeth G
The digital piano rating system and information provided by Graham Howard at UK pianos has been second to none. An enormous amount of time and effort has gone into testing all these pianos to make it so much easier to making the right selection so much easier. I thoroughly recommend this site if you are looking to purchase one.
Simon Higgins
Hi Graham,
Thanks so much for your book and your e-mail. I have not had a chance to finish your book, but I already found it in great detail and very helpful. That is very kind of you to spend a lot of time to combine all your knowledge together to give the reader this guide. I believe that it is priceless.
Thanks again and best regards,
Hi Graham
Your book was very very useful and is so straightforward and easy to read. Thank you thank you thank you! As a result, I have just bought the Yamaha YDP162 from you after speaking to a very helpful lady on the phone who said you can upgrade the stool to a height adjustable one so that my 6 year old can also learn.
I look forward to receiving our piano and will be back to you for more purchases in the future I am sure.
Many thanks for your generous sharing of so much piano information.
Graham Howard has produced a great resource with his “Digital Piano Bible” (a terrific 77-page “everything you wanted to know about choosing a digital piano but were afraid to ask” type of document) made selecting the most suitable piano at the right price relatively easy.
I received your digital piano bible, which I looks invaluable (although I have not yet had time to fully read it). I greatly appreciate your contribution to my knowledge base.
Best regards,
Hi Graham,
Your book was a godsend! I sat and read it cover to cover and learned so much in those pages. Thank you for putting up such a comprehensive, thorough, and invaluable book up for all to use – it’s appreciated!
I would like to thank you for making your insights and vast experience available to everyone for FREE through your book. I think this is a tremendous service that is very rare to come across these days and needs to be recognized. It very much shows how enthusiastic you are and makes it very valuable and genuine advice to me, a complete layman, so THANK YOU!
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for your kind advice. It makes life so much simpler for someone like me who has NO knowledge about Piano’s.
I remain grateful.Thanks again.
Warm regards,
Kunal Mashru
Hi Graham
I just downladed your book regarding Piano Purchase and I must say I amazed. I have never seen someone take a product and go over it so in detail to make the consumer know what he is looking for.
I would like to buy a digital piano. I started searching online, but did not even know what to search and you opened my eyes.
I have no words to thank you.
I found your book extremely helpful. I really had no idea which electronic piano to choose – I just knew I wanted one. I had visited other shops but was no wiser.
Now I know what I want and hopefully will be making a purchase soon.
Kind regards
Hi graham,
I finally finished reading the Digital Piano Bible!
I found the information very useful in helping me to narrow the choice of digital pianos which I think might suit my requirements.
The bible was fascinating, I read it in one go.
I downloaded it because I’ve always wanted an upright piano, but our house is a bit too small and it’s a terrace and we have small children, so the electric piano seemed the best option. Reading your bible points the way very clearly towards a Clavinova as I’m most bothered about getting weighted keys that feel right.
Hi Graham
I have found all the information you have sent me in the past very helpful to understand the ‘world of piano’!
Thank you
Hi, Graham
Thank you for your mail . I have read every word of your piano bible. I found the bible very informative and useful. Besides, it is well written.
I am here in Canada. I wish that I were in UK to visit your shop.
Han Yi from Canada
Hello Graham,
I have read your excellent buyers’ guide and have visited my local store and experienced the different weightings on Casios, Yamahas, Rolands and Korgs – the Yamaha P105 had the most impressive action and sound.
I enjoyed reading your guide to digital pianos and found it to be the most useful article I had found after being totally confused by hundreds of other opinions.
Thank you
Dear Graham
I recently downloaded your very comprehensive guide to buying a digital piano which I found fascinating reading. I was particularly impressed by your impartial approach and the fact that you had clearly put the guide together in an honest effort to assist people in the difficult exercise of choosing a suitable digital piano and not as a sales pitch.
Dear Graham.
I have found the digital piano guide to be really informative and a complete revelation. As someone who hasn’t got a clue about digital pianos I hadn’t appreciated how much you need to consider before making a purchase.
Hi Graham,
Thanks for all the information. Your web site is certainly the best and most informative source for piano information that I have found. I would love to buy a piano from you at UK Pianos, but, although we come to the UK often, we live in Oregon, USA, so it’s not really feasible.
I read you entire Digital Piano Bible and found it extremely valuable. I started out knowing essentially nothing about digital pianos and know feel that I can at least understand the specs and carry on a decent conversation with piano salespeople.
Mike, Oregon, USA
Dear Graham,
For many years i have always had a conventional piano,and now with the intended refurbishments of my lounge i realised that with modern day technology i could now have a baby grand piano of smaller size with EXTRA,S.
I read all your reviews and it has been very helpful in making my decision(especially your score chart on there goods and bads)
I thankyou for all your prompt and helpful assistance.
Hi Graham
I found it most interesting and useful. I think you might have saved me a lot of money when I eventually take the plunge into buying a piano.
Thank you ever so much for this, it is so true it is exactly what it is a ‘Bible,
Thank you ever so much for this it’s brilliant and so much detail on what to expect from a Piano. You’ve given me the light for me to go tomorrow and buy my piano. Thank you!!
Regard Luke
Thank you for that
Thanks good job
I’m thinking about a digital piano for the kids and i have no idea where to start. Any help appreciated.
I had piano lessons as a 10 year old,I then turned to football so gave the lessons up.
I am now in my late 80 s and using a 61 key keyboard to learn again.
I am not quite happy with the piano sound on the keyboard, so I am looking to buy a digital piano around the 4 to 500 mark, it looks like your advice is for me.
thank you, Harry.
Hi Harry
Did you get a reply reply from us?
Graham Howard
UK Pianos